Profcol Finance has diversified its operations internationally. The firm acts as intermediary partner that collaborates with various international developmental institutions all over the world, mostly in Europe, America and Africa.

Eligible Sectors

  1. Agribusiness and Agriculture supporting infrastructure
  2. Energy generation, transmission and supply
  3. Health
  4. Water and waste services
  5. Telecommunications and digital communications infrastructure
  6. Transportation
  7. Bulk storage and logistics facilities
  8. Gas transportation, distribution and storage
  9. Infrastructure components and equipment
  10. Affordable housing
  11. Mining


Agribusiness Projects

1. Company should have operated for 2-3 years.
2. Greenfield projects not financed.
3. Audited Accounts would be required.
4. Minimum threshold $3.5m, but $5m to $30m preferred.
5. Company needs to have positive EBITDA.
6. Ideally, Owners Equity should be 30%, so finance would be 70%.
• There may be exceptions to this rule based on merits of individual projects where perceived risks are less and high growth potential is demonstrated e.g. PPP
7. Repayment tenor: 1 to 12 years depending on complexity of project.
8. Technical assistance provided by funder to some funded companies.

Large Projects

1. Project loans of over $10 million
2. Company should have operated for 2-3 years.
3. Greenfield projects not financed.
4. Audited Accounts would be required.
5. Senior debt
6. Subordinated and/or mezzanine debt
7. Loans in US$ or €. Local currency loans possible in certain circumstances
8. Loan periods of up to 20 years
9. Investment through Bond issues
10. Bridging finance

Types Of Funding

1. Debt only
2. Debt & Equity
3. Technical Assistance

Application Process

1. Client or Agent introductory ema
2. PCPI(Preliminary Company Project Information)
3. Profcol pre-screening of PCPI
4. NCNDA(Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure Agreement) signed between
5. Profcol and Client.
6. Documents exchanged between Profcol and Client
7. Project placed in appropriate funds pipeline
8. Due diligence commences
9. Iterative process takes between funder, Profcol and. Client
10. Funding Decision made
1. More details provided during the application process.
2. Currently, Agribusiness projects have high priority/preference from various funds.
3. Profcol Finance is in constant search for lower ticket funds

Have any Projects?

If you have a project that fits above criteria, please fill in the Preliminary Company Project Information and/or email your enquiry to: